Monday, September 26, 2011

We are moving out???

Changing Places

A home is a place where you feel secure and happy. You love your home, and it is where you want to stay, the rest of your life. I woke up, it was a normal school day, and I got ready to go to school, and left my house. I actually had a lot of fun that day, and I was planning to go to a friend´s house, but my parents did not give me permission. When I arrived to my house, everything was awkward; it seemed my parents were hiding something. My whole family and I went that night to have dinner together, and my parents told my siblings and me, that we were going to move. We did not care a lot about the news, until they told us we were not only moving from house, but also from country. When we heard this, we were shocked; it was not exciting at all. We all asked why, and they told us that it was because they wanted us to spend more time with my family, so that was why we were leaving to the place where they all lived.
After we got the news, we still had two more months in our home. We tried to enjoy to the fullest, and spent a lot of time with our best friends. It was horrible to think that soon, I would have to say goodbye to all of them, and did not know if I was going to see them again in my life.  I had a lot of farewell parties. I did not want to leave; I could not imagine myself, starting a whole new life, in a different country, I had to meet new people, and find new friends. The days before we left, were packing days. I had to pack my whole room, furniture, clothes, etc… It was not cool, because I was leaving the house, were I lived 9 years. The day finally came, I could not stop crying, even though I knew, I was going to live with my whole family, and maybe it would be better for all of us.
The flight to get to my new home was the least exciting one I have ever had. I just wanted to get back to my country, and hang out with my friends. Two hours later, I arrived to my new “home”. I saw my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, and then went to see my new house. I t was pretty cool, although it was smaller than the one I used to live in. I shared room with my sister, and at least I did not have to sleep alone, while being sad. Days after I arrived, I went to my first day of school. It was the worst experience, because I went to a place where everyone was unknown to me, and I had to try to make friends. That first day, I got back to my house, without new friends. I did not want to go back there, and be the loser one for the rest of my life. My parents made me go back, and after a few days, I finally had a great group of friends, who made me feel received, accepted. Even though they were not the same as my best friends, at least I had friends. Day by day, I got to know them better, I realized, that maybe I had a different vision about moving.
I was finally getting adapted, and that feeling I used to have, changed to a happy feeling. I was actually enjoying, I was spending time with my whole family, had new friends, everything was going perfect. I was accepted in the soccer team, the basketball team, and the volleyball team. I signed up for dance classes, and I was really happy, with all the activities in which I was.
I lived there for 4 years. One day, when I came back from school, the story repeated. My parents told me we were moving again, but this time, we were going back to my old country. I was pretty excited, because I was going to get my normal life back again, but at the same time, pretty scared, because things change a lot in four years. Packing days came back, and again I had an awful flight coming back. I arrived to my old country, and everything started from zero. I changed school, lived in a new house, and had to be confident again with the ones who used to be my best friends. Time passed by, and everything was normal again, my friends were back, and I love them. Maybe moving so many times, made me scared, or worried, but thanks to it, now I have a lot of friends, and now going to new places is not as scary as it was before. 

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